Friday, April 15, 2016

cute girl room

My youngest daughter decided she wanted to be a big girl and sleep downstairs with her older sister. After having her sleeping upstairs with us of so long, I miss having her near to me!

But now that she's in a new room, I get to decorate a new space! (I'm working on my positive thinking!) Since she's the youngest child, she tends to get a lot of hand-me-downs, so I would like to give her something new just for her.

I've done a mock-up of what I'm hoping to accomplish.

These aren't exact items, but similar to things we already have and what we want to buy. Her bed frame is her old crib. It's a dark cherry color, which isn't my choice of stain but I work with what I have. We also already have a coral colored quilt and and a triptych octopus picture I picked up at HomeGoods. 

My next steps are picking out a paint color (I think gray), painting the existing nightstand (I think white), and picking up a few accessories. I would like to change out her light as well.

The only thing holding me back is this really long wall. I don't know what to do with it. I've been scouring Pinterest but haven't come up with anything yet. I know what I don't want (i.e. gallery wall, accent wall, or leave it blank).

I will take some before pictures of her room and do a post on that before I start painting and accessorizing. 

Do you have any ideas 'filling up' a long wall? 

Monday, April 4, 2016

what's your home list?

We have been on the lookout for a new house for about a year or so. We are looking for a specific area in our town and not many homes go up for sale in that division so we have had to be patient. I am content with the home we have now, but it's not where I really want to be. Ideally, I would love to build my 'dream' home, but my champagne tastes make me reevaluate that route. Also the lack of available building lots also puts a wrench in that plan. It could still become a reality, but I'm not boxing myself into one option.

So all this house hunting got me thinking...what is my 'list'? What are my must haves/really wants in my next place? Here is my list of rooms/things that I really want for my next house.

Keeping Room
Have you heard of this? This is #1 on my list. A keeping room is a side room off the kitchen. It's not a living room or dining room, but an additional small sitting room. Here is one example, but if you Google it, there are many variations to check out.

It just feels cozy and is an area for family and friends to hang out NEAR the kitchen, without actually being IN the the kitchen (one of my pet peeves). It keeps the cook in the conversation but also gives them their own space. When I picture my own keeping room, I see myself drinking my morning coffee there and my kids hanging out there after school or while I'm making dinner.

Large Yard
In our part of the country, our yards are okay sized. I grew up in the country, so it feels small to me. But to others it may seem large. We live in the prairie so there aren't many trees. So if I can find a full sized tree in a yard, that's a big bonus. Grown trees are an actual selling point in our area. I just want a safe space for our kids to run around and play. A large yard is a non-negotiable for me.

Master Bathroom
This isn't a necessity for me, but I would love to have my own bathroom. Right now, we all share one bathroom and it sure gets crowded in the morning! I'd love to get ready without someone using the toilet next to me (TMI??)!

Wouldn't this bathroom be a dream! Check out that shower. I love the bathtub in the glass enclosure.

Entertaining Space
We enjoy having friends and family over to our home. I want an open area that allows everyone to fit. Right now, our home is spit into different levels and each level isn't large enough for everyone to hang out. I guess what I'm looking for is more space. A second space for all the kiddos to go would also be a bonus!

These are some of the things I would like in our new place. I know it's unlikely that I will get all these, but a girl can dream, right? It's hard to keep reality in check when Pinterest is slapping you in the face with the most put together and beautiful homes. Just keep in mind that fancy finishes don't make your home. Your special touches that represent you and your family make your house beautiful and comfortable. How's that for a pep talk??!!

I would love to hear what's on your list! Maybe I can make my list a little longer after hearing what you have to say!