I've been working my way through my house and no room, closet, tupperware container, or under bed space is safe. Here are a few tips that work well for me. Cue 'The Final Countdown' theme music.
1. Start early in the morning.
I usually have more energy in the morning to get stuff done. I grab a cup of coffee, turn on a podcast or a good tv show, and start going through.
2. Give yourself a little treat/snack halfway through.
Everyone likes a little reward, right? Just don't sit down to eat your snack! That is my downfall. I'll sit down to grab a small snack, and then I keep sitting there. Take a bowl of popcorn (or your preferred snack) and bring it with you.
3. Get in the mood.
Get your mind out of the gutter. I only clean out closets when I'm in the mood for it. That specific day, I need to feel motivated, to not feel attached to anything, not feel sentimental, and be in a slightly crabby mood. No kidding. When I'm in a bad mood, I feel like cleaning and getting rid of stuff. I'm usually in a bad mood when there is too much stuff around the house, especially if they don't have a home spot. Don't push yourself. If you really don't feel like cleaning/organizing that particular day...don't do it.
4. Keep moving.
I tell myself over and over...the faster I do this, the sooner it'll get done. I know, I know. We say this to our kids over and over. But I find thinking this is motivating. Some people love organizing. I know I do. But...I don't want to organize all day long. Just keep at it and get it done!
5. Tackle every space.
Don't skip a single spot. For example, we had a trunk full of dress up accessories that our girls used to play with. This trunk was hidden in the closet under our stairs. It was out of sight, out of mind. But once we went through this, we got rid of 99% of everything in that trunk. So freeing! Find all those baskets, trunks, under bed spaces, backs of closets, nooks and crannies.
6. Do it while you're kids are out of the house.
This is the most important step. My kids want to keep every.single.scrap.of.paper. Ugh. I go through their rooms and toy areas while they are at school. I check every hiding space and you wouldn't believe the things I find! However, I'm not ruthless. If I know something is important to them (even if I think it's junk), I don't throw it. I set it out so they can find a better location for it (rather than under their bed). And 99% of the time, they never notice what I've thrown out. Once and a while, we will work on this together and explain that they are helping other children enjoy these toys. Sometimes they are generous, sometimes not. That's when you implement step 6.
Now, what to do with everything you aren't keeping? I do three things. First, I ask my friends with small children if they want/need anything. Second, I sell my kids' clothes and toys to a used children's boutique. Third, I donate. Whatever the children's boutique doesn't want, all other adult clothing, and home goods go to the local donation center.
Don't you just love clean and open spaces?! Clearing out the clutter really makes your house seem bigger, function better, and feel fresher. But the new goal for the year...don't fill your house back up with more stuff! Otherwise you have to do this over again!
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